Congratulations to Itzik!

Congratulations Itzik on winning the BP-Endure Fellowship!  Itzik will spend the summer in Dr. Michael Cooper's lab at Vanderbilt University studying the molecular signaling pathways of malignant glioma formation.

We're looking forward to hearing all about it when you come back! 

Harvey Lecture - April 20, 2017 8pm

Jennifer A. Lippincott-Schwartz, Ph.D. (HHMI, Janelia Research Campus)

Navigating the cellular landscape with new imaging technologies

The Rockefeller University – Caspary Hall
York Avenue and 66th Street, New York

Hors d’oeuvres served at 7:30 P.M.

Biology Seminar, April 3, 12pm

Harmit Singh Malik, Ph.D. (HHMI, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center) 

Rules of engagement: molecular arms races between host and viral genomes

Biology Dept.Conference Room HN926

Neuroscience Seminar, Grad Center March 31, 10am

Dr. Patrizia Casaccia (Director of the Neuroscience Initiative, CUNY Advanced Science Research Center)

From molecules to patients: a neuroscientist perspective to myelin-related disorders.

Grad Center, CUNY @ Fifth Ave & 34th Street.

Fourth Fl. Science Center (Rm: 4102)

Harvey Lecture, March 16, 8:00pm

Roger A. Nicoll, M.D. (UCSF)

"Long-term potentiation: a cellular model for learning"

The Rockefeller University – Caspary Hall

York Avenue and 66th Street, New York


Hors d’oeuvres served at 7:30 P.M.

Congrats to Rebecca!

Congratulations to Rebecca on getting into the HHMI Summer Research Internship at MBL with Drs. Brady and Morfini! Excited to see beautiful images of axonal transport! 

Seminar at ASRC, January 27, 3:00pm

Evaluating and Modulating Functional Connectivity in the Ordered and Disordered Brain.  

Alex Martin, PhD (NIH/NIMH)

Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC at City College,CUNY) Auditorium

85 Saint Nicholas Terr, NY, NY 10031