I spoke with Anthony Burgos-Robles and Itamar Lerner about all things amygdala - including sleep, extinction, and what’s special about it - on Charlie Wilson’s podcast Neuroscientists Talk Shop.
Hanif S., Sclar M.G., Lee J., Nichols C., Likhtik E., Burghardt N.S. (2025) Social isolation during adolescence differentially affects spatial learning in adult male and female mice. Learning & Mem, 32(1), a054059.
Lee J., Aubry A., Hanif S., Grunfeld I.S., Likhtik E., Burghardt N.S. (2025) Chronic social defeat stress gives rise to social avoidance through fear learning. Beh. Brain Res. 476: 115245.
Fernandes-Henriques C., Guetta Y., Sclar M.G., Zhang R., Miura Y., Friedman A.K., Likhtik E. (2024) Infralimbic projections to the basal forebrain mediate extinction learning. BioRxiv. June 24: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.06.19.599805 . Preprint.
Ravenelle R, Fernandes-Henriques C, Lee J, Liu J, Likhtik E, Burghardt NS (2023) Serotonergic Modulation of the BNST-CeA Circuit Promotes Sex Differences in Fear Learning. BioRxiv. Jul 3: 2023.07.03.547577. Preprint.
We cover fear circuits in a BBC Crowd Science program on phobias (Sept. 2023): “Why am I Scared of Bridges?”
Stujenske JM, O'Neill PK, Fernandes-Henriques C, Nahmoud I, Goldburg SR, Singh A, Diaz L, Labkovich M, Hardin W, Bolkan SS, Reardon TR, Spellman TJ, Salzman CD, Gordon JA, Liston C, Likhtik E. (2022) Prelimbic cortex drives discrimination of non-aversion via amygdala somatostatin interneurons. Neuron. 110: 2258-2267.
Media coverage of our work by The Graduate Center (Sept. 2022): “Neuroscience Study Sheds Light on Fear Response”
Grunfeld I.S., Likhtik E. (2022) The paradoxical effects of chronic stress on avoidance: a role for amygdala-dorsomedial prefrontal cortex dialogue. Neuropsychopharm https://doi.org/10.1038/s41386-021-01262-5
Nahmoud I., Ganay Vasquez J., Cho H., Dennis-Tiwary T., Likhtik E. (2021) Salient safety conditioning improves novel discrimination learning. Behav Brain Res 397: 112907.
Liu J., Likhtik E., Shereen A.D., Dennis-Tiwary T.A., Casaccia P. (2020) White Matter Plasticity in Anxiety: Disruption of Neural Network Synchronization During Threat-Safety Discrimination. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 14: 587053.
Likhtik E, Johansen JP. (2019) Neuromodulation in circuits of aversive emotional learning. Nature Neurosci 22:1586-1597.
Corniquel MB, Koenigsberg HW, Likhtik E. (2019) Toward an animal model of borderline personality disorder. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 236:2485-2500.
Grunfeld IS, Likhtik E (2018) Mixed selectivity encoding and action selection in the prefrontal cortex during threat assessment. Curr Opin Neurobio. 49:108-115.
Harris AZ, Golder D., Likhtik E. (2017) Multisite electrophysiology recordings in mice to study cross-regional communication during anxiety. Curr Prot Neurosci 80:8.40.1-8.40.21.
Stujenske JM, Likhtik E (2017) Fear from the bottom up. Nature Neurosci 20: 765-767.
Cambiaghi M., Grosso A., Likhtik E., Mazziotti R., Concina G., Renna A., Sacco T., Gordon J.A., Sacchetti B. (2016) Higher order sensory cortex selectively drives basolateral amygdala activity during the recall of remote, but not recent, learned fearful memories. J Neurosci 36 (5):1647-1659.
Likhtik E., Paz R. (2015) The amygdala and prefrontal cortex in (mal)adaptive learning. Trends Neurosci, 38:158-166.
Gore F., Schwartz E.C., Brangers B., C., Aladi S., Stujenske J.M., Likhtik E., Russo M.J., Gordon J.A., Salzman C.D., Axel R. (2015) Neural representations of unconditioned stimuli in basolateral amygdala mediate innate and learned responses. Cell, 162:134-145.
Stujenske J.M., Likhtik E., Topiwala M.A., Gordon J.A. (2014) Fear and safety engage competing patterns of theta-gamma coupling in the basolateral amygdala. Neuron 83:919-933.
Likhtik E., Stujenske J.M., Topiwala M.A., Harris AZ Gordon J.A. (2014). Prefrontal entrainment of amygdala activity signals safety in learned fear and innate anxiety. Nat Neurosci 17: 106-113.
Likhtik E., Gordon J.A. (2014) Circuits in sync: Decoding theta communication in fear and safety. Neuropsychopharm 39:235-236.
Likhtik E., Gordon J.A. (2013) A surprised amygdala looks to the cortex for meaning. Neuron 80: 1109-1111.
Likhtik E., Popa D., Apergis-Schoute J., Fidacaro G.A., Paré D. (2008) Amygdala intercalated neurons are required for expression of fear extinction. Nature 454:642-645.
Likhtik E., Pelletier J.G., Popescu A.T., Paré D. (2006) Identification of basolateral amygdala projection cells and interneurons using extracellular recordings. J Neurophysiol 96:3257-3265.
Likhtik E., Pelletier J.G., Paz R., Paré D. (2005) Prefrontal control of amygdala. J Neurosci 25: 7429-7437.
Pelletier J.G.*, Likhtik E.*, Filali M., Paré D. (2005) Emotional arousal produces long-lasting increases in the firing rate of basolateral amygdala neurons: implications for the facilitated consolidation of emotional memories. Learning and Memory 12:96-102.
Quirk G.J., Likhtik E., Pelletier J.G., Paré D. (2003) Stimulation of medial prefrontal cortex decreases the responsiveness of central amygdala output neurons. J Neurosci 23:8800-7.