Introduction to Neuroscience (BIOL270)
This is a one-term introductory lecture course. The main focus is to provide an understanding of the structure and function of the nervous system, and gain a familiarity with experimental procedures that lead us to our current state of knowledge. In the first part of the course, neural physiology and molecular changes that regulate activity of individual neurons and neural signaling will be discussed. Then, based on model systems, we will examine how neurons are assembled in networks to give rise to function. Finally, topics related to the development, maintenance, and plasticity of these networks will be covered.
Textbook: Neuroscience, Fifth Ed., edited by Purves D., Augustine G.J., Fitzpatrick D., Hall W.C., LaMantia A-S., White L.E.
Fall 2016 - 2022, 2024, co-taught with Dr. A. Friedman.
Seminar in Learning & Memory (BIOL47138)
This is a one-term seminar course for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. The overall focus is to gain a strong foundation in the multilayered study of learning and memory. We will examine classic learning theory and how its ideas have been translated to biological study in neuroscience, from molecular mechanisms to neural assemblies, circuits and systems. We learn about the different experimental approaches used to study memory, from model organisms to human clinical trials. Students are expected to read and present primary literature, attend a neuroscience seminar in NYC, take active part in discussion and write position papers.
Spring 2016 - 2019, 2025, co-taught with Dr. A. Friedman.
Human Biology Capstone (HMBIO40100)
This course addresses some of the key contemporary topics and issues in human biology from multiple vantage points. In this course, we grapple with important and contentious issues in human biology by meaningfully integrating your past coursework. We will choose our topics collaboratively at the beginning of the semester. These issues may include notions of mental illness, sex and gender roles, personal and group identity, health and nutrition, health disparities, and human evolution.
Spring 2017, co-taught with Dr. A. Friedman.
Graduate Center NSII (Biology 72302 & Psychology 70811)
Systems, Behavioral & Cognitive Module. In this section of the course we focus on how learning, decision-making and mood are interpreted by contemporary neuroscience. We approach these cognitive processes through the lens of neural circuits and systems. We will consider how experimental neuroscience is integrated with underlying theoretical frameworks, such as signal-to- noise, distributed processing and choice selection. This module will also include some focused group and individual work on scientific writing.
Spring 2017; Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Module co-taught with Dr. J. Beeler.