Estrogen Synthesis and Action in the Brain
Dr. Luke Remage-Healey, Ph.D. (U Mass Amherst)
3-4:30pm EST
email el1417 at hunter dot cuny dot edu for link to seminar
Estrogen Synthesis and Action in the Brain
Dr. Luke Remage-Healey, Ph.D. (U Mass Amherst)
3-4:30pm EST
email el1417 at hunter dot cuny dot edu for link to seminar
Reward Processing in the Human Brain.
Dr. Mauricio Delgado, Ph.D. (Rutgers University)
Friday (11/19), 3:00pm EST
please email el1417 at hunter dot cuny dot edu for link to attend
Dr. Erin Gibson, Ph.D. (Stanford University)
Timing Myelin: A new perspective on circadian mechanisms of brain function and dysfunction
Friday, 11/12 @ 3pm EST
Please contact el1417 at hunter dot cuny dot edu for link to seminar
Friday (11/5), 3:00-4:30 pm EST
Neurogenomics of Developmental Learning
Dr. Sarah London, PhD. (University of Chicago)
Send an email to el1417 at hunter dot cuny dot edu for a link to attend.
Monday, October 25, 12-1pm EST
Of Smell and COVID
Dr. Paul Feinstein, Ph.D. (Hunter College, CUNY)
For link to seminar, please email: el1417 at hunter dot cuny dot edu
Monday, September 20
Dopaminergic Co-Transmission with Sonic Hedgehog in the Adult Basal Ganglia Suppresses Involuntary Movements
Dr. Andreas Kottmann, Ph.D. (CUNY School of Medicine, CUNY)
To join, please contact el1417 at hunter dot cuny dot edu
Friday, 9/17 @ 3pm
Anterior insular cortex is a bottleneck of cognitive control
Dr. Tingting Wu (Queens College, ASRC, CUNY)
To attend, contact: el1417 at hunter dot cuny dot edu
The Biology of Mechanosensation in Water
Hernan Lopez-Schier (Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen)
Monday, September 13, 12-1pm!
Please email el1417 at hunter dot cuny dot edu to attend.
Onwards and Upwards to the next stage of this journey!
Larry Zweifel, Ph.D. (University of Washington)
Resolving the complexity and diversity of the midbrain dopamine system
Please email: el1417 <at> hunter<dot>cuny<dot>edu for the link join the seminar
Memory and time in the hippocampus after damage in the medial entorhinal cortex.
Marta Sabariego, Ph.D. (Mount Holyoke College)
Please email el1417<at>hunter<dot>cuny<dot>edu for the Zoom link
Lauren O’Connell, PhD (Stanford University)
Ecological resources and the evolution of parent-offspring interactions
4/30/21 @3-4:30pm
Please emal el1417<at>hunter<dot>cuny<dot>edu to attend
The sick sense is in the nose
Ivan Rodriguez, PhD (University of Geneva)
Sociability offers many advantages, although a major drawback is the increased risk of exposure to contagious pathogens, like parasites, viruses, or bacteria. Social species have evolved various behavioral strategies reducing the probability of pathogen exposure. We found that in rodents, preference toward healthy individuals was dependent on the olfactory system, more precisely on vomeronasal function. We discovered a novel family of vomeronasal sensors, termed formyl-peptide receptors, that respond to disease-related ligands. This receptor family, initially expressed in immune cells during evolution, acquired neuronal specificity in the rodent lineage via two gene shuffling events. This thus corresponds to a switch from sensing pathogens inside the organism to sensing the outside world through the nose, and represents a striking case of neofunctionalization.
To attend, email: el1417 at hunter dot cuny dot edu
Evolution of brain pathways for vocal learning and spoken language.
Eric Jarvis, PhD (Rockefeller University, HHMI)
Email el1417 at hunter dot cuny dot edu for link to seminar
This week, Becky defended her dissertation, “Circuits Underlying Serotonin Mediated Sex Differences in Fear Learning”, with lots of beautiful data, thoughtful experiments, and super interesting findings! Congratulations Becky for a job incredibly well done, and here is to putting everything into a paper!
Very happy to have Central Park nearby to celebrate with the lab, and Nesha Burghardt, Becky’s primary mentor on the project.
Huge congratulations going out to Itamar on his successful Dissertation Fellowship application!
Itamar has been doing some beautiful analyses of behavioral and neural changes after chronic stress. Lots of pretty images and new circuit findings coming soon from that work. Congratulations!
Itamar in behavior & physiology experiment mode
Itamar in workshop mode
Sniffin’ Out Your Friends: Decoding Smell in Ants and Fireflies
Gregory Pask, Ph.D. (Middlebury College)
3:00pm EST
email el1417 at hunter dot cuny dot edu to attend
Do Sharks Sense Pain?
Maria Elena de Bellard, Ph.D. (USC Northridge)
Friday, 3/19, 3:30pm EST
email el1417 at hunter dot cuny dot edu to attend
Hunter Biology Seminar
Schwann cell metabolism and myelin maintenance
Carla Taveggia, Ph.D. (San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan)
For Zoom link, please email: el1417 at hunter dot cuny dot edu
Friday, 3/5, 4pm EST
Kelsey Heslin (University of Iowa)
Flexible interval timing in the rat cerebellum and medial frontal cortex
Please email el1417 at hunter dot cuny dot edu to join