CNC Colloquium Friday 2/8, 10-11:30am, Renata Batista Brito
Friday Feb. 1st, 10-11:30 am, Jean M. Zarate, Senior Editor at Nature Neuroscience
Orie Shafer at the Neuroscience Colloquium Friday, January 25, 10-11:30 am
Jan 7 -9: Lab Coding and Signal Processing Bootcamp
Thanks Susan for doing an awesome job running days 1 and 2 of our coding bootcamp!
10am Friday, December 7th CNC Seminar
Andre Fenton (NYU)
“Rethinking Autism and Animal Models: A Systems Perspective”
The Graduate Center
365 Fifth Ave (34th St & Fifth Ave), Room 6496
2nd Annual ASRC Glia Symposium - Nov. 13, Today!
Glial response to environmental signals and glial cross-talk, 8:30 am - 7pm
Auditorium, Advanced Science Research Center
85 St. Nicholas Terr., NYC, 10031
Vittorio Gallo, Ph.D., Children’s National Health System
Margot Mayer-Pröschel, Ph.D., University of Rochester Medical Center
Orna Issler, Ph.D., Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Shane Liddelow, Ph.D., NYU Langone Medical Center
Akiko Nishiyama, M.D., Ph.D. , University of Connecticut at Storrs
Sam Horng, M.D., Ph.D., Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Pablo Paez, Ph.D., University at Buffalo
Jia Liu , Ph.D., Advanced Science Research Center at GC/CUNY
Anna Jagielska, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ana Badimon, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Upcoming Neuroscience & Biology Seminars
CNC Seminar: Friday, October 19 at 10am.
Arif Hamd (Brown University), “Reward synchronizes dopamine axons into directional waves.”
The Graduate Center (5th Ave. b/t 34th & 35th St.), Rm.6496.
Biology Seminar: Monday, October 22 at 12pm.
Chiye Aoki (NYU Center for Neural Science), “The adolescent brain: synaptic plasticity to counter the perfect storm”
Biology Dept., HN927, Hunter College, 68th St. & Lex. Ave.
Graduate Center Retreat - Poconos 2018
It was exhilarating to catch up with our Neuroscience and Biology CNC/MCD graduate students and faculty at the Graduate Center Retreat this past weekend. Lots of exciting research across the CUNY campuses.
Neuroscience Seminar Series at The Graduate Center
We are holding a semester full of great talks at the GC Collaborative Neuroscience seminar series.
Summer students
Great work by our fantastic summer students in the lab. Good luck in your Fall 2018 endeavors. Happy to have Asher stay on for the academic year and work on more projects.
Tanzina Islam finishing up some data analysis before heading back to Princeton
Yashwi Kumar (John P. Stevens High School) and Asher Jaffe (Hunter College High School) gave a talk on their 3D printed head stage designs
Yashwi presenting her designs at the NYU Courant Institute GSTEM event
July 3rd - Presenting new work at ASRC
I'm looking forward to sharing some of our new work next week at the Works In Progress ASRC Neuroscience seminar series.
July 3rd , 4:00pm
Inhibitory signaling sculpts communication in prefrontal–amygdala–basal forebrain network during emotion regulation
Congrats to Margo on winning the Jonas E. Salk Scholarship!
Margo's awesome work in the lab on neural activity in the Basal Forebrain during threatening and non-threatening stimuli was recognized by the Jonas E. Salk Scholarship for the study of biomedical sciences. Congrats to Margo all around as she moves on to study and do more research at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai!
Congratulations to Rebecca on winning the McNulty Scholarship!
Great job on becoming a McNulty scholar! Looking forward to more great neuroscience with you, and more science memes.
Biology Seminar, May 14, 11:30am
Charlotte D'Hulst, PhD (Hunter College, MouseSensor, Inc.)
Making the leap from academia to industry: the story of how MouseSensor, Inc., a Hunter startup, wants to digitize the sense of smell.
11:30am, 436 Hunter North
Biology Seminar, May 7 - Peter Rudebeck
Peter Rudebeck, PhD (Mount Sinai)
"Reward, Affect, and the Prefrontal Cortex"
Room 436, Hunter North, 11:30 - 12:30 (snacks at 11:15)
Undergraduate Research Conference, Wed-Thu April 25 & 26
On Wednesday 4/25 Susan and Rebecca will be showing some exciting new work about connectivity and function of the prefrontal cortex - basal forebrain circuit.
On Thursday 4/26 Itzik will give a talk about our translational work on improving safety training as a tool to alleviate major symptoms of anxiety disorders.
Hunter West Building
Rebecca explains the gist of her project in her latest meme
Psychology Seminar, April 25, 12-1pm
Regina Sullivan, PhD (NYU Medical School)
Room 611HN, 12-1pm
Biology Seminar, April 23, 11:30am
Simone Weyand, PhD (Cambridge)
Snapshots of membrane proteins at work
Room 436 Hunter North (refreshments at 11:15)
Seminar, April 19, 8pm
Harvey Society Lecture
Kevin J. Tracey, M.D. (Feinstein Institute for Medical Research)
Eavesdropping on conversations between the brain and the immune system
Rockefeller Institute (Caspary Hall), York Ave & 66th Street